[情報] 光芒新秀Chandler Simpson達成單季百盜

看板 MLB
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
時間 2024-09-09 22:52:25
留言 9 ( 6推 0噓 3→ )
https://x.com/milb/status/1832973824041644310 "It was a lot of pressure the whole week, especially with my family coming up. I really wanted to do it in front of them and do it at home." Chandler Simpson (@RaysBaseball) joins Billy Hamilton (2011, '12) and Delino DeS hields (2012) as the only players to hit the century mark in stolen bases in a s ingle Minors season since 2005: 光芒隊新秀Chandler Simpson本季已經102盜 是自2005年來第三位達成單季百盜的小聯盟球員 Billy Hamilton (2011, '12) Delino DeShields (2012) Chandler Simpson(2024) https://i.imgur.com/Wzo8gIo.jpeg
[情報] 光芒新秀Chandler Simpson達成單季百盜
[情報] 光芒新秀Chandler Simpson達成單季百盜
AA打擊成績 G PA AVG OBP SLG HR wRC+ SB 75 345 .353 .405 .411 1 144 71 另外在A+有31盜 2022選秀會第二輪指名 簽約金75萬鎂 光芒農場No.5 Hit: 65 Power: 20 Run: 80 Arm: 50 Field: 50 Overall: 50 https://i.imgur.com/pot6C8g.jpeg
[情報] 光芒新秀Chandler Simpson達成單季百盜
黑人腿哥 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1725893548.A.9F5.html


todd7622 年輕真好 09/10 00:24 1F
kenkuo1688 Hit有65 蠻高的 腿哥真的都要能上壘才有破壞力 09/10 01:17 2F
shimazu 前面兩位都消失了 09/10 06:51 3F
Asucks 腿哥上不了壘的下場就跟B Hamilton一樣,對球隊無貢獻 09/10 08:50 4F
n61208 好強 09/10 09:49 5F
david12763 腿哥上不了壘不是示範過了嗎 14 15我皇 09/10 14:43 6F
Afae 6呎2吋 170磅 實在有夠瘦 09/10 21:34 7F
cha122977 AA打率.35 應該不會上不了壘…吧 09/11 04:12 8F
zxc906383 Hit給到65 不會上不了壘吧 09/11 11:00 9F


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