[情報] Gavin Stone 本季可能不會回歸

看板 MLB
作者 thnlkj0665 (灰色地帶)
時間 2024-09-19 07:11:53
留言 10 ( 8推 0噓 2→ )
https://x.com/ByJackHarris/status/1836505329502208195 Gavin Stone is “very unlikely” to return this season, Dave Roberts said Stone is still experiencing soreness in his shoulder, and has not yet started throwing again https://x.com/ByJackHarris/status/1836508810149593596 In better pitching news, Clayton Kershaw threw an 80-plus pitch bullpen session today — fully pushing off the mound with his injured toe His timeline remains TBD, and still depends on his pain level, but there’s growing hope he’ll pitch again before the end of the regular season 道奇隊先發投手 Gavin Stone 今年球季可能沒辦法復出,肩膀仍有痠痛的感覺,而且目前尚未開始練投 除此之外,Clayton Kershaw 今天在牛棚練投80多顆球 儘管Kershaw歸隊時間還沒定案,不過有機會在例行賽尾聲回歸大聯盟 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1726701116.A.90D.html


abc12812 道奇是不是最近TJ投手都復健不順? 飆勒 五月 好像都不太 09/19 08:24 1F
GP03D 利空。躲人又要一輪遊了 還是叫大谷上? 09/19 08:25 2F
bboykay 今年的先發投手陣容,期望已經不大了,只求打線不要季後 09/19 09:39 3F
bboykay 賽也烙賽 09/19 09:39 4F
cool2548 9/25送Bubblehead 來得及嗎 09/19 10:15 5F
eee60109 道奇還有投手? 09/19 12:14 6F
kery0129 真的很無奈,怎麼花錢怎麼補,洞卻越來越大 09/19 12:27 7F
DorkKnight 算了啦,反正這季至少有大谷追50/50這個亮點 09/19 12:55 8F
a1c2x3 thank you, fans 09/19 16:05 9F
ShockHo222 一輪遊 09/19 23:39 10F


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