Fw: [情報] NCAA棒球 獎學金配額將增加三倍

作者 icecreamdog (Rina Zeniuk)
時間 2024-07-25 22:37:17
留言 6 ( 4推 0噓 2→ )
※ [本文轉錄自 Baseball 看板 #1ceRN1hK ] 作者: zxc906383 (無無) 看板: Baseball 標題: [情報] NCAA棒球 獎學金配額將增三倍 時間: Thu Jul 25 10:17:34 2024 https://reurl.cc/MOYpyv In a meeting on Tuesday, Dellenger reports power conference commissioners finali zed new roster-size limits that pave the way for athletic departments to distrib ute millions of dollars in new scholarships to athletes. NCAA最近正在開會討論 要藉由降低球員人數上限,來推動增加獎學金份數額度 Beginning in 2025-2026, by sport scholarships rules will be eliminated, allowing teams to offer scholarships to the entirety of their rosters, following House s ettlement terms. 從2025-2026年開始,體育獎學金能發個隊上所有的球員 Football will see an increase of 20 scholarships -- from 85 to 105. Schools will not have to be at the 105 limit until the season starts, which means teams will be able to carry more players in preseason camps. 等於美足每隊能發出的獎學金份數 將從85份增加到105份(+20) Baseball receives an even bigger influx of scholarships going from its current 1 1.7 scholarships to 34. 棒球將從11.7份翻三倍到34份 Basketball is set to increase from 13 to 15. 籃球從13份增加到15份(+2) Softball will add 13 scholarships going from 12 to 25. 壘球從12份增加到25份(+13) And Volleyball will increase from 12 to 18. 排球從12份增加到18份(+6) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1721873857.A.AD4.html


ccl007 主要是現在不能兼差打 不然以前還可以撐到大學 07/25 10:25 1F
jan58912 籃球比例好高 07/25 11:05 2F
ddddd014 如果頂尖台灣球員也能把ncaa當成出路之一感覺不錯,資 07/25 12:30 3F
ddddd014 源很多還能念書 07/25 12:30 4F
jumperman 台灣運動員真的有在念書幾乎接近零.. 07/25 13:51 5F
icecreamdog 可借轉NCAA 板嗎 07/25 21:36 6F
※ 轉錄者: icecreamdog ( 美國), 07/25/2024 22:37:17


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