Re: [心得] 斯沃琪集團維修的恐怖經驗

看板 watch
作者 fleetwoodmac (佛利伍麥克)
時間 2024-09-20 16:03:35
留言 52 ( 38推 2噓 12→ )
回文 4則
各位板友好, 等了快一個月,一直沒辦法發三部曲 還有板友站內給我敲碗, 趁今天有點空就來發一下吧 話說上回我寄信給漢米爾頓總公司抗議, 並表示如果總公司跟台灣分公司一樣擺爛,我要去國外論壇發文 幾小時後收到一位叫做Philippe的小哥回覆,說會跟台北維修中心調維修紀錄 然後隔天就被A8專櫃警告小心被告了囧 於是我又寫了一封信,指名要Philippe回覆 信中我問他,你答應我要調維修紀錄,結果只是空白授權給專櫃處理? 還威脅要告我?這是你指示的嗎? 這次,小哥的回覆非常精彩,摘要翻譯如下 Dear Mr. XXXXXXX Thank you for your email. Please note that we only requested more information regarding your watch and its service history to our team in Taiwan. There were no further actions taken so far. 謝謝來信,我們只是調了你手錶的維修紀錄,目前尚未採取進一步(法律)動作 According to the serial number "XXX XXX XXX" your timepiece left our warehouse in Switzerland in December 2019 to Taiwan and was sold shortly after. Hamilton states on the official website that we recommend a complete service every 3 to 5 years: As your watch is getting close to the 5 years our service center in Taiwan analyzed the watch and issued a quotation for a complete service. When you rejected the quotation they returned the watch without further actions taken. Unfortunately it looks like the watch returned with a scratched case back. Therefore you had to send the watch for a second time to our service center where they exchanged the case back free of charge. 您拒絕維修報價後,我們將手錶送回,但看似你的背蓋被刮傷, 所以他們免費幫你換一個背蓋 When you got the watch back for the second time it stopped working properly. Surely you can understand that it is difficult for us to judge what has happened to your timepiece. It is always possible that something unforeseen happens during the shipment. 當你第二次去取錶時,你的手錶故障了 你應該可以理解我們很難去判定你的手錶出了什麼事吧? 或許你的錶在運輸途中發生了無法預料的狀況,這都是有可能的 直接甩鍋給消費者,厲害了! The watch was then sent to the service center for the 3rd time. According to our team in Taiwan the watch is now waiting on a new case back again as the second one was also scratched. As soon as the case back arrives they will mount the new case back to the watch and send it back once again. 現在手錶第三次進場, 台灣團隊說還在待料 因為上次換上的新背蓋又被刮傷了 等到幫您換上新蓋,我們會將錶寄回給您 We kindly ask you to take note about the fact that even the watch is working again it might need a complete service in the near future. As with any micromechanical precision instrument, Hamilton watches require regular maintenance to remain in perfect working order. The frequency with which this maintenance work needs to be carried out depends on the model, as well as environmental conditions and the owner's care of the watch. 請注意,雖然你的錶現在正常運作(他自己認為) 它仍有可能很快就需要做完整保養 Hamilton gives a 2 years warranty on the work carried out during a service. This means that if you agree on complete service there will be a 2 years warranty on the complete movement. 漢米爾頓的維修保固期是兩年 如果您選擇付費維修,我們就給您兩年保,包括(上次被裝壞)的機芯 We remain at your disposal for any further questions or comments you might have. Kind regards, Philippe Streicher HAMILTON Customer Care +41 32 321 49 00 HAMILTON INTERNATIONAL Ltd. L鵲GGASSE 85 | 2504 BIEL/BIENNE, SWITZERLAND 以下為我的回信 Mr. Philippe Streicher It is customary for Hamilton watches to be shipped back and forth between service centers and customers when they need servicing. In case you haven\'t noticed, there is an item on your website that says \"FREE SHIPPING TO OUR SERVICE CENTERS.\" Philippe先生 手錶需要維修保養時,經常以寄送的方式進出維修中心 漢米爾頓的官網有一個選項就是「免費寄送至我們的維修中心」 Are you suggesting that the Swatch Group take no responsibility should a customer\'s watch is mishandled during the shipping process? Shouldn\'t you ask the courier for compensation? 你的意思是客戶的錶在寄送途中出事,斯沃琪集團不負責嗎? 難到你們不用找物流公司賠償嗎? I find your reply unbelievable as it defies logic and is doubtfully consistent with the Swatch Group\'s policy. 你的回覆毫無邏輯,我很懷疑這與斯沃琪集團的政策相符 In fact, I am not even sure you are authorized to determine a course of action on behalf of the Swatch Group in my case. I\'d like to direct my question to someone who works at Swatch Group Headquarters Customer Service. 請問你有權限決定要怎麼處理我的案件嗎? 請幫我轉斯沃琪總部客服中心 看以前有板大的錶被修壞或刮傷 寫信到總部都很有用 我完全沒有料到,寫信到Hamilton瑞士總部抗議 居然會得到這樣的回覆 台灣方面 9/3收到商業處通知,已將申訴發函給Swatch當天 接到Hamilton品牌副總的來電 一直說要跟我「致意」,我也不太曉得那是什麼意思 並稱他當天才知道這件事 (所以你們專櫃之前說已經告知主管,主管提醒要研議是否提告是??) 副總表示,由於我的案件需要權限 才能幫我保固之前被弄壞的機芯, 而之後也會依照我的要求,提供兩年機芯保固 其實這篇,本來是想等我把錶拿回來再發 這樣的品牌,一定要讓多一點錶友知道 不論有沒有依照我的要求處理我的錶,或有沒有跟我「致意」 都不會有所改變 而晚發不如早發,以免被拖過時效性 最後,這支白面Hamilton Khaki Field手上鍊 我會在板上出掉 對品牌還有期望的朋友,可以關注我之後發的文 謝謝各位 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:


[心得] 斯沃琪集團維修的恐怖經驗
81 150 watch fleetwoodmac
2024-08-27 02:11:00
Re: [心得] 斯沃琪集團維修的恐怖經驗
170 239 watch fleetwoodmac
2024-08-30 18:20:14
Re: [心得] 斯沃琪集團維修的恐怖經驗
-38 47 watch CanIndulgeMe
2024-08-30 21:08:05
Re: [心得] 斯沃琪集團維修的恐怖經驗
36 52 watch fleetwoodmac
2024-09-20 16:03:35


※ 編輯: fleetwoodmac ( 臺灣), 09/20/2024 16:08:52
※ 編輯: fleetwoodmac ( 臺灣), 09/20/2024 16:09:20
※ 編輯: fleetwoodmac ( 臺灣), 09/20/2024 16:13:14
spy99915 09/20 16:12 1F
tsps95401 厲害了,斯牌掰掰 09/20 16:17 2F
starzero 真是白癡,為了那一點錢要跟消費者搞這麼大一齣戲,已 09/20 16:18 3F
starzero 經變成拒絕往來戶了,幫高調幫分享! 09/20 16:18 4F
edwei 哇 真是謝謝嘍 這樣搞 以後完全不會考慮斯瓦奇 09/20 16:19 5F
rkogoblm 09/20 16:23 6F
codo 看到目前swatc集團h的應對真是悲劇 09/20 16:25 7F
WuGouLin 推推 09/20 16:26 8F
Zinger13k 品牌在臺灣的維修體系真的很糟,我沛送洗油來來回回五 09/20 16:26 9F
Zinger13k 個月。重點錢沒少給,費用並不俗呀。 09/20 16:26 10F
bk0512 英文好重要 09/20 16:27 11F
a5545855 唉 維修刮花兩次背蓋就很瞎該吞了 還要弄到品牌副總 原 09/20 16:29 12F
a5545855 本很想買墨菲現在看的都消火了 09/20 16:29 13F
b89701221 看起來這次他同意給你機芯兩年維修保固 沒有要跟你收錢 09/20 16:30 14F
deltarobot 你好堅持 XD 我omega如果被弄壞可能也不一定這麼堅持 09/20 16:31 15F
a13132006 什麼爛服務,這集團沒救了 09/20 16:31 16F
b89701221 還是哪邊還是有跟你說要收錢 才能維修兩年保固 09/20 16:32 17F
抵加~ This means that if you agree on complete service there will be a 2 years warranty on the complete movement.
Nokia6030 好棒的品牌定位喔 真欣賞SWATCH集團如此發自內心幫客人 09/20 16:33 18F
Nokia6030 排資論輩 我非常激賞 幫推! 09/20 16:33 19F
※ 編輯: fleetwoodmac ( 臺灣), 09/20/2024 16:35:47
Nokia6030 我是給予嘉勉應該不會被告吧(害怕 09/20 16:35 20F
singlelove 幹修個婊也要上英文課,幫推高調,拒買! 09/20 16:36 21F
b89701221 但至少在你的堅持下 品牌終究是屈服了 09/20 16:36 22F
b89701221 因為他這次回信也不敢說完整服務要不要加收錢啊 09/20 16:37 23F
如果你同意完整維修=要付費 當時還沒同意要給保固
optimism00 09/20 16:38 24F
※ 編輯: fleetwoodmac ( 臺灣), 09/20/2024 16:42:08
SACEAMURO QQ,本來很有興趣Murph的 09/20 16:43 25F
VVVV5555 這官方處理真的衣索比亞等級 錶本來就低階了看完這篇價 09/20 16:45 26F
VVVV5555 值更低了 09/20 16:45 27F
IW501004 這集團… 09/20 16:47 28F
eitr2703 靠北 先來賣墨菲了 09/20 16:49 29F
earhsu 一律拒買,感謝幫忙避大雷 09/20 16:55 30F
v58264579 還是去買非集團的品牌吧,通常用心多了 09/20 16:59 31F
midone740903 不敢再買這集團的錶 09/20 17:01 32F
Qweiss 終於更新 以後你各位記得修錶自己包個300層防震防摔再自 09/20 17:04 33F
Qweiss 己專車運送xD 09/20 17:04 34F
Oxyuranus 哇塞 09/20 17:20 35F
alchemist106 推個 09/20 17:26 36F
undeader 推 ! 09/20 17:30 37F
ken0320 好扯 09/20 17:31 38F
karta2359950 盤 又難看 09/20 17:33 39F
rock04rock 幫高調 09/20 17:40 40F
superboyjt24 辛苦了拍拍…玩個錶還要受氣 09/20 17:41 41F
superboyjt24 S集團其實全球保固除了配件 09/20 17:41 42F
superboyjt24 貴一點口碑其實還可以 可惜啊 09/20 17:41 43F
superboyjt24 台灣據點這次太敗人品了 09/20 17:41 44F
compass9981 有夠爛 09/20 17:49 45F
EMudiay 不知道台灣omega是不是也這樣 如果是這集團真的不敢碰了 09/20 17:51 46F
jackyoyo 高調,未來不考慮買該品牌 09/20 17:53 47F
maple486 好慘 還要考英文 還好我o記前幾天快去快回沒事 09/20 17:53 48F
IW501004 Omega原廠應該是滿負責的,都會處理好 09/20 17:55 49F
IW501004 09/20 17:56 50F
Re: [心得] 斯沃琪集團維修的恐怖經驗
sunny95988 我本來還蠻喜歡漢米爾頓的耶!看來要慎選 09/20 18:00 51F
Vince4117 謝謝再也不買swatch 集團的錶了 09/20 18:00 52F


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