[籃球] Coaching Carousel

作者 edgelee (Mr.Butter)
時間 2024-03-28 16:15:21
留言 7 ( 5推 0噓 2→ )
回文 3則
在UK 宣布 John Calipari 會留任後 大概不會有更大的Coaching change 除非有教練之後退休.... 稍微整理幾個學校的Hired Louisville hired Pat Kelsey from College of Charleston Michigan hired Dusty May from FAU West Virginia hired Darian DeVries from Drake Ohio State promoted Jakde Diebler Stanford hired Kyle Smith from Washington State Vanderbilt hired James Madison SMU hired Andy Enfield from USC DePaul hired Chris Holtmann Washington hired Danny Sprinkle from Utah State -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NCAA/M.1711613723.A.603.html


[籃球] Coaching Carousel
5 7 ncaa edgelee
2024-03-28 16:15:21
Re: [籃球] Coaching Carousel
2 5 ncaa edgelee
2024-04-08 11:11:16
Re: [籃球] Coaching Carousel
1 2 ncaa edgelee
2024-04-12 12:27:52


sampsonlu919 感謝整理 03/28 17:47 1F
icecreamdog Validation is too expensive to get fired 03/29 01:27 2F
icecreamdog Calipari is too expensive to get fired 03/29 01:28 3F
icecreamdog Gerry McNamara took over Siena College! 03/29 04:56 4F
easymoney77 推 感謝整理 03/29 08:07 5F
edgelee Chris Mack 去接 Charleston 03/30 16:38 6F
edgelee Musselman 跟USC 約面試.... 04/03 04:35 7F


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